abria’s gift in sword and sorcery magazine

“Lachlan finally caught up to his bedraggled warriors as they trudged along a muddy track below the rocky outcrop his clan called Loric’s Bluff.”


Abria’s Gift is sort of the origin story for the world of Spirit Song. I’m especially fond of it because it was one of the first stories I wrote. I was sure, when I submitted it for the first time, it was so clever and well written, it was a sure thing. I checked my email every hour for three months. I was naïve and starry-eyed. The first place I sent it is unique in that they provide reviewer’s comments.  The comments started with, “I feel like this is a story trying to tell itself too quickly.” I was devastated, of course, and relegated the story to the dead story folder. It must be crap because one journal rejected it. Looking back at that first version of the story, I’m surprised the reviewer was as kind as they were.

But, eventually I brought the story out again and by that time, I had a lot more tricks up my sleeve. I have a distinct memory of sitting in a coffee shop after completing the [mumble, mumble] revision and thinking, “Wow!” Not that my writing would provoke that sort of reaction from others, but the distance from where it started to where it is now deserves a Wow!

You can find it at Sword and Sorcery Magazine (Scroll to the bottom).

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