I’ve been told one of the requirements for being a successful author is to have platform. Apparently, that involves a website, social media presence and a blog, among other, more mysterious, things. Some publishers actually want to see the number of connections you have on social media or the number of people on your mailing list. I get it, I want to sell books too. Creating the website was fun and easy. I’m required to develop web sites as part of my real life, so learning WordPress wasn’t a stretch. There isn’t much here, yet, but it will grow. The social media presence and mailing list, I assume, will come over time. That leaves the blog.

What to blog about? I didn’t really have to think about it too much. I assume, anyone who finds their way here and cares enough to read the blog are here for one thing; they want to know about the world of Spirit Song and its creation. That means posts about my writing process, the characters in my stories, explanations behind aspects of the stories, among other fascinating topics. Learning to write is a journey, and some might find posts that describe the milestones on my journey interesting. Well, maybe not, but I’m rather looking forward to a post describing my troubled relationship with short stories. You might want to skip posts like that. I consider it therapy. Others might want to learn where Lika came from, how I developed the magic system for Spirit Song, or what was I thinking with Nia (sorry about that). Anyway, that’s where we’ll start. I expect that those who know me will find I reveal a lot more in my blog than I ever do in person.

My late night JK Rowling fantasies aside, I have no illusions about the financial rewards of writing. I’m just hoping I can cover my expensive coffee shop habit. Success, to me, would be fans who love Minna, Alyn and my other characters as much as I do. If even a small number of fans are interested enough to come here and create a community around the world of Spirit Song, I would be deliriously happy.


January 2025 Newsletter

Lehasa! What we’re reading Dionysus in Wisconsin by EH Lupton This is the next book our epic fantasy book club is reading, and lucky for us, because

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monochrome photo of woman


Writing sparkling dialog isn’t easy, but it’s an essential writing technique to master. Good dialog sounds natural, but paradoxically, it isn’t the way real people

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