The Spirit Song Saga

My original vision was that the Spirit Song Saga would be a trilogy. Two things occured which complicated that original plan. The first was that my publisher, Black Rose Writing, asked me to split my first novel, Spirit Sight, into two books. Suddenly, three books became six because I can’t seem to write short books.

To complicate matters, I decided that you can’t simply split a novel as complex as Spirit Sight into two books and have two complete novels. The first leaves the reader hanging because there is no way to resolve all the subplots. The second feels as if it’s starting in the middle. So, I decided to call the two books Spirit Sight Volume 1 and Spirit Sight Volume 2.

So the trilogy will consist of the following six books:

The second thing that happened is that my partner and I wrote a prequel called Argren Blue. As we wrote it, we realized that we really needed at least three more prequels to tell the full story. So now we have nine books.

The prequels will include the following books:

  • Argren Blue
  • Desulti (Due November 2024)
  • Oss’stera (Due soon)
  • <A book with a title that gives too much away>

The prequels tell the story of how Ragan and the Alle’oss create the circumstances that allows Minna, Alyn and the others defeat the Empire. And the trilogy shows how they do that, of course.

You can, of course, read them in any order. It might be less confusing to read them in chronological order. If you did, you will miss some of the reveals in the trilogy. On the other hand, I find knowing more than the characters in a book enjoyable. 

To maximize the impact of the reveals, I would read them in this order:

  • Spirit Sight Vol. 1 and 2
  • Argren Blue
  • Spirit Light Vol. 1
  • Desulti
  • Oss’stera
  • Spirit Light Vol. 2
  • Spirit Song Vol. 1 and 2
  • <A book with a title that gives too much away>

And of course, you can always reach out to Deb or I with any questions or comments.